Saturday, September 1, 2012

NEW WHO!: season 7 episode 1 Asylum of the Daleks

I loved the daleks, they are by far some of the mosty fucked up and hated "bad guys" on Doctor Who but i love them for it. The episode had a great plot but i had a ton of complaint. for One the episode had no logical reasoning, how did the l\doctor just forget about oh you know a parliment and a asylum of daleks. or just let the daleks forget the doctor who is crucial ending to the time war, the supposed destruction of the time lords and daleks. and isnt oswin supposed to be the new companion, was oswin oswald her sister or mother or somthing?!??! No explanations at all. and why didnt the daleks kill the doctor on sight anyways?! and the pathway shouldnt completely affect their memories, its like a dalek google. so the daleks are like the brog now, and they dont  remember tyheir greatest foe... blood hell in a side car I WANT ANSWERS D:<

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